Iowa 3-Day Notice to Quit

An Iowa 3-day notice to quit is an eviction notice demanding that a tenant hand over possession of the property because they did not vacate the premises after their lease was terminated. If the tenant doesn’t comply with a notice to quit for non-compliance or a lease termination letter, the landlord must serve this notice before filing an eviction suit.

Iowa 3-Day Notice to Quit

An Iowa 3-day notice to quit is an eviction notice demanding that a tenant hand over possession of the property because they did not vacate the premises after their lease was terminated. If the tenant doesn’t comply with a notice to quit for non-compliance or a lease termination letter, the landlord must serve this notice before filing an eviction suit.

Last updated July 22nd, 2024

An Iowa 3-day notice to quit is an eviction notice demanding that a tenant hand over possession of the property because they did not vacate the premises after their lease was terminated. If the tenant doesn’t comply with a notice to quit for non-compliance or a lease termination letter, the landlord must serve this notice before filing an eviction suit.

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Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]


Rental (Premises) Street Address: [STREET ADDRESS] City: [CITY] State: Iowa

You were served notice on [MM/DD/YYYY] informing you that your lease would terminate on [MM/DD/YYYY]. That notice period has hereby expired and you are required to vacate the premises described above within three (3) days after the date and time you receive this notice. If you do not move out within three (3) days, a lawsuit may be filed to evict you.

Landlord / Agent Signature: _____________________________
Printed Name: _____________________________


I certify that on [MM/DD/YYYY] I served this notice to [TENANT / RECIPIENT NAME] by:

– Delivering it personally to the person in possession of the Premises.
– Delivering it to the Premises to a member of the Tenant’s family or household or an employee of suitable age and discretion with a request that it be delivered to the person in possession of the Premises.
– Certified first-class mail addressed to the person in possession of the Premises.

Landlord / Agent Signature: _____________________________