DMV Release of Liability Form

A DMV release of liability form is used after a vehicle is sold or transferred to inform the DMV about the change in ownership. Filing this form with the DMV prevents the previous owner from being held responsible for any vehicle-related incidents that occur under the new owner’s possession, such as speeding tickets, accidents, or parking violations.

DMV Release of Liability Form

A DMV release of liability form is used after a vehicle is sold or transferred to inform the DMV about the change in ownership. Filing this form with the DMV prevents the previous owner from being held responsible for any vehicle-related incidents that occur under the new owner’s possession, such as speeding tickets, accidents, or parking violations.

Last updated January 2nd, 2025

A DMV release of liability form is used after a vehicle is sold or transferred to inform the DMV about the change in ownership. Filing this form with the DMV prevents the previous owner from being held responsible for any vehicle-related incidents that occur under the new owner’s possession, such as speeding tickets, accidents, or parking violations.

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When a DMV Release of Liability is Required

In some states, a release of liability form must be filed with the DMV whenever a vehicle is sold, donated, or gifted to someone else. In other states, the release form is optional and sent as a means to inform the DMV that the previous owner is no longer liable for the vehicle.

Clicking the link below allows individuals to view a list of state-specific release forms and the deadlines for filing with the DMV following the transfer of ownership.

State-Specific Forms

Alabama N/A N/A
Alaska Report the Sale or Transfer of a Vehicle 10 days[1]
Arizona Sold Notice 10 days[2]
Arkansas Notice of Transfer of Ownership of a Motor Vehicle N/A
California Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability 5 days[3]
Colorado Report Release of Liability – Link found under “Vehicle Services” 5 days[4] 
Connecticut N/A N/A
Delaware Report of Sale N/A
Florida Notice of Sale N/A
Georgia N/A N/A
Hawaii Notice of Transfer:

10 days[5]
Idaho Notice of Release of Liability 5 days[6]
Illinois Seller’s Report of Sale N/A
Indiana N/A N/A
Iowa Notice of Sale and Delivery of Title N/A
Kansas N/A N/A
Kentucky N/A N/A
Louisiana Notice of Transfer of Vehicle 15 days[7]
Maine N/A N/A
Maryland N/A N/A
Massachusetts N/A N/A
Michigan N/A N/A
Minnesota Report of Sale N/A
Mississippi N/A N/A
Missouri Notice of Sale or Transfer 30 days[8]
Montana N/A N/A
Nebraska N/A N/A
Nevada N/A N/A
New Hampshire N/A N/A
New Jersey N/A N/A
New Mexico Notice of Vehicle Sold N/A
New York N/A N/A
North Carolina N/A N/A
North Dakota N/A N/A
Ohio N/A N/A
Oklahoma Notice of Transfer of Ownership of a Motor Vehicle N/A
Oregon Notice of Sale or Transfer of a Vehicle 10 days[9]
Pennsylvania N/A N/A
Rhode Island N/A N/A
South Carolina Notice of Vehicle Sold N/A
South Dakota Seller’s Report of Sale Immediately[10]
Tennessee N/A N/A
Texas Motor Vehicle Transfer Notification 30 days[11]
Utah Report a Sold Vehicle N/A
Vermont N/A N/A
Virginia Notify DMV N/A
Washington Vehicle Report of Sale 5 business days[12]
West Virginia Sold Vehicle or Watercraft Notice N/A
Wisconsin Private Seller Notification 30 days[13]
Wyoming N/A N/A