New Hampshire Warranty Deed Form

New Hampshire warranty deed is a legal instrument that transfers a property title from a seller to a buyer, guaranteeing the seller holds a clear title and the property is free of encumbrances. It provides the buyer (grantee) with the broadest protection against claims left over from past owners.

New Hampshire Warranty Deed Form

New Hampshire warranty deed is a legal instrument that transfers a property title from a seller to a buyer, guaranteeing the seller holds a clear title and the property is free of encumbrances. It provides the buyer (grantee) with the broadest protection against claims left over from past owners.

Last updated March 19th, 2025

New Hampshire warranty deed is a legal instrument that transfers a property title from a seller to a buyer, guaranteeing the seller holds a clear title and the property is free of encumbrances. It provides the buyer (grantee) with the broadest protection against claims left over from past owners.

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How to Format


  • The top right of the deed must have a blank 3″ space. Every other margin must be at least 1″.
  • The writing must be 10-point and be in black or blue ink.
  • Printed deeds must be on white paper with at least 20-pound weight. The pages must be single-sided and unbound, with no stapled attachments.[1]

To find out specific county formatting requirements, users can check the NH Deeds website


The deed must be signed and acknowledged by the grantor before a notary, justice, or commissioner.[2]


When the deed is completed and signed, it must be filed at the local Register of Deeds.[3] At the time of this writing, the recording feeis $10 for the first page and $4 for every other page, plus a $25 state LCHIP surcharge.[4]

Warranty Deed (Preview)