Virginia Power of Attorney Forms

Virginia Power of Attorney Forms

Last updated September 27th, 2023

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Virginia power of attorney forms enable an individual to legally assign a representative to act on their behalf in legal, financial, or health care matters. The individual creating the document, the principal, must be sure to select a trusted professional, friend, or family member to carry out actions for them, someone they can be sure will represent their best interests. The agreement will terminate in the event 1) a revocation form is completed, 2) the form expires, 3) or the principal becomes incapacitated or dies.

By Type (8)

  1. Advance Directive
  2. Durable
  3. General
  4. Limited
  5. Motor Vehicle (Form VSA-70)
  6. Minor (Child)
  7. Real Estate
  8. Tax (Form PAR 101)

Advance Directive – Used to provide directions as per the principal’s health care preferences and provides an opportunity to assign a health care agent.

Download: Adobe PDF
Signing requirements (§ 54.1-2983): Two (2) witnesses


Durable Power of Attorney – Enables an individual to assign an agent with authority that extends beyond the principal’s mental and physical incapacitation.

Download: Adobe PDF, MS Word (.docx), OpenDocument
Signing requirements (§ 64.2-1603): Notarization


General (non-durable) Power of Attorney – Provides sweeping authority with regard to the principal’s finances but terminates upon their incapacitation.

Download: Adobe PDF, MS Word (.docx), OpenDocument
Signing requirements (§ 64.2-1603): Notarization


Limited Power of Attorney – Limits the agent’s authority to a specific task or set of tasks; they are unable to perform outside the definitive parameters.

Download: Adobe PDF, MS Word (.docx), OpenDocument
Signing requirements (§ 64.2-1603): Notarization


Motor Vehicle (Form VSA-70) Power of Attorney – Used by a vehicle owner to assign an agent to register or transfer ownership of their vehicle.

Download: Adobe PDF
Signing requirements: Vehicle owner


Minor (Child) Power of Attorney – Can be drafted to assign temporary guardianship rights over the principal’s minor child.

Download: Adobe PDF, MS Word (.docx), OpenDocument
Signing requirements (§ 20-167): Notarization


Real Estate Power of Attorney – Drafted to have an agent represent the principal in real estate transactions.

Download: Adobe PDF, MS Word (.docx), OpenDocument
Signing requirements: (§ 64.2-1603): Notarization


Tax (Form PAR 101) Power of Attorney – Is used prior to having a tax professional or another competent individual file the principal’s taxes and communicate with the Department of Taxation on their behalf.

Download: Adobe PDF
Signing requirements: Taxpayer(s) and representative(s)