New Jersey Quit Claim Deed Form

New Jersey Quit Claim Deed Form

Last updated June 15th, 2022

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New Jersey quit claim deed is used to transfer an interest in real estate without any title guarantees or assurances that the transferor (the “grantor”) is the property’s legal owner. Quit claim deeds are inherently risky for the new owner (the “grantee”), as the title being transferred may be encumbered by liens, judgments, or other defects that negatively impact the quality of the property title. Due to their high-risk nature, this deed is generally limited to transfers between family members or divorce settlements

According to state law, a New Jersey deed must relay specific tax information provided in the property’s municipal tax assessment map (found in the land records on file with County Clerk’s office). Additionally, the deed needs to be signed by the grantor and notarized.