Types (4)
General Warranty Deed – Provides the grantee with a general guarantee that there are no claims on the property, and that the grantor is the title holder.
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Quit Claim Deed – A conveyance instrument that isn’t accompanied by any warranty regarding the property title’s quality.
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Special Warranty Deed – A deed in which the grantor promises to defend the property from any claims on their own account.
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Cash Sale Deed – Used when the buyer pays the full price in cash.
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Laws & Requirements
- Statutes: Chapter 5 – Proof of Obligation
- Formatting: CC 3352(A), § 844(A)(1)(i), (B)(2)
- Signing Requirements (CC Art. 1833, 1839, 2440): Notary Public and Two (2) Witnesses
- Where to Record (CC 3346(A)): Clerk of Court’s Office
- Recording Fees (§ 844(A)(1)(a)): $100 (1 to 5 pages) / $200 (6 to 25 pages)
- Property Disclosure Statement (§ 9:3198): Property sellers must complete a disclosure statement that informs buyers about any defects or adverse conditions on the premises or property title.