A North Dakota power of attorney is an instrument used by an individual to select a third party to make decisions and act as their representative.f The third party (“agent” or “attorney-in-fact”) is granted authority that typically involves managing finances or health care but can also involve motor vehicle registration, tax filing, real estate management, and short-term childcare.
North Dakota Power of Attorney Forms (8)
A North Dakota power of attorney is an instrument used by an individual to select a third party to make decisions and act as their representative.f The third party (“agent” or “attorney-in-fact”) is granted authority that typically involves managing finances or health care but can also involve motor vehicle registration, tax filing, real estate management, and short-term childcare.
A North Dakota power of attorney is an instrument used by an individual to select a third party to make decisions and act as their representative.f The third party (“agent” or “attorney-in-fact”) is granted authority that typically involves managing finances or health care but can also involve motor vehicle registration, tax filing, real estate management, and short-term childcare.
Durable Power of Attorney – Allows an agent to make decisions affecting the financial interests of a principal even if the principal becomes medically incapacitated.
General (non-durable) Power of Attorney – Grant’s financial powers to an agent that enable them to act on behalf of a principal. These powers expire in the event of the principal’s incapacitation.
Motor Vehicle (NDDOT) Power of Attorney – Allows an agent to represent the principal and perform transactions involving the North Dakota Dept. of Transportation.
Tax (Form 500) Power of Attorney – Designates an individual or firm to represent a taxpayer and handle matters with the Office of the State Tax Commissioner.