Massachusetts Power of Attorney Forms (10)

A Massachusetts power of attorney appoints an agent to make decisions and execute tasks on behalf of the person preparing the document. The type and duration of authority granted will depend on the nature of the power of attorney. If the document is “durable,” it will remain in effect if the individual becomes incapacitated.

Massachusetts Power of Attorney Forms (10)

A Massachusetts power of attorney appoints an agent to make decisions and execute tasks on behalf of the person preparing the document. The type and duration of authority granted will depend on the nature of the power of attorney. If the document is “durable,” it will remain in effect if the individual becomes incapacitated.

Last updated July 15th, 2024

A Massachusetts power of attorney appoints an agent to make decisions and execute tasks on behalf of the person preparing the document. The type and duration of authority granted will depend on the nature of the power of attorney. If the document is “durable,” it will remain in effect if the individual becomes incapacitated.

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By Type (10)

Advance Directive – Completed by an individual to state their treatment wishes and name an agent to represent them if incapacitated.


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Durable Power of Attorney – Appoints an agent for financial matters and remains in effect if the principal becomes incapacitated.


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General (non-durable) Power of Attorney – Delegates financial powers to a third party and terminates if the principal is incapacitated.


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Limited Power of Attorney – A power of attorney that conveys limited authority, usually for a set duration.


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Living Will – Specifies the medical treatments approved by the document preparer.


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Medical Power of Attorney – Appoints a health care agent who will represent the principal in making medical decisions if they are incapacitated.


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Motor Vehicle (RMV) Power of Attorney – Allows an individual to have a third party buy, sell, title, or register their vehicle.


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Minor (Child) Power of Attorney – A child’s guardians or parents can use this form to appoint a temporary guardian.


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Real Estate Power of Attorney – Authorizes a representative to sell, buy, or manage property on behalf of the purchaser or owner.


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Tax (Form M-2848) Power of Attorney – Grants an individual (typically an accountant) the authority to handle an individual’s or business’s tax responsibilities.


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